
The following three links are to assignments that were completed for Persuasive Writing.

Identity: about me page for U Lucky Girl Design House.

Press Release: written for U Lucky Girl Design House, on the topic of innovative greeting cards.

Advertising: the assignment was to develop a product and create a strategic message planner, a radio advertisement, a television advertisement and a print advertisement.

Feature Story: the assignment was to find an OSU success story, interview him or her and write a feature story. I was able to interview James Halligan, former president of OSU and current senator of Oklahoma.

Media Kit: the assignment was to develop a pitch letter, news release, fact sheet and timeline.

Blog: “Granolas: a sub-culture of the trend-setting hipster generation”

Blog: “I’m so fancy, from vintage to art deco”

Blog: “The year shofar: celebrating Roch Hashanah”